
甘氨酸补充对一次性力竭运动小鼠运动能力和免疫功能的影响 被引量:8

Effects of glycine supplementation on sports performance and immune functions of mice doing a one time exhaustive exercise
摘要 为探讨甘氨酸补充对运动能力及免疫功能是否具有调节作用,将30只小鼠随机分成力竭游泳运动组(E1)、甘氨酸补充后力竭游泳组(E2)和静息正常对照组(S),每组10只。在E2组补充甘氨酸,其余两组给予生理盐水,处理4周后,E1组和E2组均做力竭性游泳运动。采用微量CH50溶血法分析补体活性,采用MTT法定量分析脾脏淋巴细胞增殖能力。结果显示,与E1组比较,E2组游泳至力竭的时间显著延长(P<0.01)。E1组血清总补体活性显著低于S组(P<0.01),E2组显著高于E1组(P<0.01),但仍显著低于S组(P<0.05)。在脾脏淋巴细胞增殖试验中观察到,E1组显著低于S组,E2组显著高于E1组但仍显著低于S组。结果表明,补充甘氨酸可提高运动能力;力竭游泳可降低血清补体活性及T细胞免疫功能,补充甘氨酸可部分地阻抑这些变化。 In order to probe into whether glycine supplementation plays an adjusting role in sports performance and immune functions, the authors divided 30 mice randomly into an exhaustive exercising group (El), glycine supplemented exhaustive exercising group (E2) and a normal resting control group (S), with 10 mice in each group, supplemented glycine to mice in group E2 and physiological saline to mice in the other two groups, let mice in groups E1 and E2 do an exhaustive swimming exercise 4 weeks later, applied the trace CH50 hemolysis method to analyze supplement activity, applied the MTT method to perform a quantitative analysis on the lymphopoiesis ability of spleen, and thus revealed the following findings: compared with mice in group El, the time taken by mice in group E2 to swim to an exhausted state is significantly longer (P〈0.05); total supplement activity in blood serum of mice in group E1 is significantly lower than the same of mice in group S (P〈0.01), and total supplement activity in blood serum of mice in group E2 is significantly higher than the same of mice in group E1 (P〈0.01), but still significantly lower than the same of mice in group S (P〈0.05); as observed from the test of the lymphopoiesis ability of spleen, the lymphopoiesis ability of spleen of mice in group E1 is significantly lower than the same of mice in group S, and the lymphopoiesis ability of spleen of mice in group E2 is significantly higher than the same of mice in group E 1, but still significantly lower than the same of mice in group S. The said findings indicate the followings: supplementing glycine can enhance sports performance; exhaustive swimming can lower supplement activity of blood serum and weaken immune functions of T cells; supplementing glycine can partially restrain these changes.
出处 《体育学刊》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第11期109-112,共4页 Journal of Physical Education
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30270639 30570894) 江苏省社会发展计划项目(BS2003022)
关键词 甘氨酸 运动功能 补体活性 淋巴细胞 glycine sports performance complement aetivity lymphocyte
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