介绍了Ei数据库的发展概况,利用Ei提供的Refine Results对其收录的117篇咪唑啉缓蚀剂类研究论文从年代分布、受控词分布、研究机构所在国家、出版商、作者等角度进行了统计分析,描述了的咪唑啉类缓蚀剂的研究概貌。
This paper introduces the development history of Ei database, makes statistical analysis on 117 papers about Imidazolines inhibitors collected by Ei database by using Refine Results provided by Ei from the years distribution, Ei controlled terms, countries of the research institutes, publishers and authors, and describes the general situation of the research on Imidazolines inhibitors.
Sci-Tech Information Development & Economy