
美国及香港地区美术教师教育课程的启示 被引量:2

The Inspiration from Art Teacher's Teaching Curriculum in America and Hongkong
摘要 美国师范教育的新趋势是把学术标准与教育专业训练作为师资培训的两个重点。中国香港地区美术教师教育的突出特点是:整个课程设置内在关联性强,重视教师专业素质及教育能力的培养,理论知识与实践技巧并重,选修科目旨在使学生对学术、专业领域或通识教育有更深的理解及具有独立研究能力。美国与中国香港地区美术教师教育课程体现了师范教育的开放性,从单一化走向多样化;课程门类多,注重前沿学科,并与基础教育的改革紧密衔接;教育课程重视教育专业和资讯科技的培训,重视教学见习、实习。对照美国与香港美术教师教育课程,可以更清楚地看出我国大陆地区高师美术教师教育课程设置的不足之处:通识课程设置有待拓宽;学科课程设置缺少内在关联与整合;教育课程与教育实践相脱节。因而,美国、香港的师范教育在通识课程、学科课程与教育类课程方面对我们提供了多重启示。而我们的课程改革长时间徘徊不前,高师美术教育中的"美院思维"实为一大"魔障"。 The modern trend of American normal education is proposed academic standard and professional training as two focal points. The outstanding features of Hong Kong art teacher' s teaching are: the inner - relatedness of the whole curriculum, attaching importance to teacher' s professional qualities and educational abilities, laying equal stress on theoretical knowledge and practical skills, elective subjects intended to makes student have profound comprehension and independent study in academic, professional field or general education. The art teacher' s teaching curriculum in America and Hong Kong embodies openness of normal education and a iot of currieula, emphasizing advanced front, closely combines with the foundation education reform, atta- ches importance to education speciality and information technology training, and values teaching noviciate and practice. Contrasted the art teacher' s teaching curriculum in America and Hong Kong, we could find more deficiency of the curriculum setting in the Mainland: general education curriculum should be broadened, education course is separated from practice. Therefore, America and Hang Kong' s normal education provide multiple revelations for us from general education curriculum, subject curriculum and educational curriculum. But our curriculum reform is struggling for a long time, because the art school thinking in normal art education just as an abstructer.
作者 李英梅
出处 《徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2008年第6期126-129,共4页 Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 美术教师教育 课程 启示 关院思维 art teacher' s teaching curriculum inspiration art school thinking
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  • 1North Illinois University. Undergraduate Catalog. North Illinois University ,2003 -2004, Effective Fall Semester. North Illinois University : NIU Bulletin Series ,2003.
  • 2吴香生.香港美术教育发展六十年[M].香港:香港教育学院出版,2000.
  • 3香港教育学院.四年全日制教育荣誉学士课程概览[M].香港:香港教育学院出版,2005.










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