本文介绍一种,用ADAS探空资料,直接确定大气混合层高度的方法。它是根据ADAS探空得到的温度、风、位温、混合比随高度的分布,以及上述各气象要素在混合层内和混合层以上变化的差异,来确定大气混合层的高度。并将由这种方法得到的结果与 Nozaki等人提出的用地面气象资料估算混合层高度,所得到的结果进行比较,得到了较为一致的结果。认为在大气边界层内,对于能够直接得到温度、风、位温等气象要素随高度变化的观测点,用这种方法来确定大气混合层高度是可信的,而且方法也比较简单。
This article introduces a method which may be directly used toascertain mixing height from ADAS data. The method ascertains mixing height by analysing the distribution of temperature, wind, potential temperature, mixing ratio with height and the change differences of them in and above the mixing layer. The article compares the result with the one calculated by Nozaki from the meteorological data observed on the ground. They are comparable. The method, we know from the article, is trustworthy and practical. It can be easily used to ascertain the mixing height for those observation points which may directly get the changes of temperature, win, potential temperature and other main meteorological factors with height.
Research of Environmental Sciences