本文介绍了利用Altera公司的Quartus Ⅱ初始化FPGA的LPM_ROM查找表(LUT)数据的常用方法,提出了使用Quartus Ⅱ的Text File编辑器、MATLAB|Simulink、DSP Builder、VC++编译器、Keil编译器等工具,实现LPM_ROM数据初始化的多种其它方法。其中的一些方法灵活快捷,可以使设计人员更能集中精力投入到系统和电路设计上。最后,就这几种初始化方法的优缺点进行了讨论。
This paper, In the first place, introduces several conventional Initialization methods of LPM ROM LUT Memory Initialization data based on FPGA of Altera Corporation through using the Quartus Ⅱ development software of Altera Corporation. Another innovative considerations here are, what is more, that LPM ROM Hemory Initialization data can be initialized by VC++, Keil, Text File of Quartus Ⅱ and DSP Builder development software of Altera Corporation such other utilities or suites. Some other methods are so flexible and efficient that they can fix further research people attention on design of system and circuit, this paper analyzes merits and demerits as far as the Initialization methods are concerned.
Science Mosaic