台南20号是从台湾引进的玉米新品种,该品种叶厚浓绿,上部叶直立,透光性极佳,根系发达,长势旺盛,耐肥,抗倒,丰产性好,适应性广,抗露菌病、茎腐病、病毒病、锈病及玉米螟。玉林市春季种植于2月中旬~3月上旬播种,秋季于8月中、下旬播种,每公顷种植46500~54000株;施肥量:N 150~195kg/hm2,P2O575~90kg/hm2,K2O 60~90kg/hm2,苗高0.15~0.2m时及时进行间苗;生长中期、雄花抽穗期及乳熟期要适当灌溉,以满足植株对水分的需要,授粉后50~60d便可收获。
Tainan 20 is a new corn variety introduced from Taiwan, which represents some features like thick leaf & dense green, leaf upright at upper stalk, good light penetration, strong roots, vigor- ous growth, fertilizer-endurance, lodge-resistance, fertility, good adaptability, strong resistance to diseases and pests. The spring semination time is about middle of Feb. to the first ten days of March in Yulin City, in autumn, about middle of August and the 46,500--54,000 seedlings/ha. Fertilization amounts: N 150 -- 195kg/hm2, P2O5 75 -- 90kg/hmz, K2O60 -- 90kg/hmz. Thinning when the seedling height is about 0.15m--0.2m and proper irrigation at middle growth period, tassel period and milk mature period to satisfy the water needs. The seeds can be harvested 50-60d after pollination.
Journal of Guangxi Agriculture