
微生物菌液物质油水界面扩张黏弹性研究 被引量:4

Study on the dilation viscoelasticity of the inferface between bacteria liquid and crude oil
摘要 采用小幅低频振荡法,研究了常温菌与高温菌菌液物质在油-水界面上的扩张黏弹特性及动态界面张力,阐述了菌液物质黏弹模量随扩张频率及温度的变化规律,获得了菌液物质油水界面吸附动态微观信息,并将扩张流变性质与动态界面张力相关联,定量考察了菌体本身对油水界面性质的影响.研究结果表明:菌液物质黏弹模量随扩张频率的增加而增加,随温度的升高而降低;菌体本身具有界面活性,能够降低界面张力和黏弹模量,改变油水界面性质,提高原油流动性能.但其活性受温度的影响,存在最佳活性温度.现场应用时应注意油藏温度与菌液最佳活性温度一致. The dilational viscoelastic performance and the dymamic interfacial tension of the oil-water interface between bacterial liquid and oil are studied by using little-amplitude low-frequency oscillation.The variation laws of the viscoelastic modulus of the oil-water interface with temperature and the oscillation frequency are obtained.The effect of the cells in bacterial liquid on the dilational viscoelastic performance and the dymamic interfacial tension are also researched especially.The results show that the viscoelastic modulus of the oil-water interface increases with the increase of the oscillation frequency and reduces with therising of temperature;the cells in bacterial liquid also have interfacial activity and can reduce the interfacial tension and the viscoelastic modulus,which changes the performance the oil-water interface and increases the flowability of oil.But the activity of the bacterial cells can be influenced by temperature,and for every bacterial cells,there is the best temperature.Therefore,in microbe oil recovery,the bacterial strain should be selected whose bacterial cells have the best activity at the temperature of the oil reservoir.
出处 《西安石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2008年第6期74-77,共4页 Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 菌液物质 菌体扩张黏弹特性 动态界面张力 界面活性 substance in bacteria liquid bacteria cell dilation viscoelasticity dynamic interfacial tension interfacial activity
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