
Public Attitudes Towards Policy Instruments for Congestion Mitigation in Shanghai

Public Attitudes Towards Policy Instruments for Congestion Mitigation in Shanghai
摘要 Congestion causes many externalities for the society, including time delays, excessive fuel consumption, air pollution, noise and safety concerns. In Shanghai, various policy options have been explored, piloted or applied; however, not all of them may be understood and accepted by the public. A survey was conducted to investigate people's attitudes towards several policy options. The main findings reveal that Shanghai residents are resistant to certain policies, such as congestion charges, higher parking charges in congested areas and car restrictions. Instead, they favor public transport provisions. The paper suggests that there is a case for promoting public transport and more efficient trips when the car ownership is still low, and for investing in a policy of educating the public on the 'true' costs and causes of congestion before embarking on ,an intensive policy of congestion charges or restrictions. Congestion causes many externalities for the society including time delays, excessive fuel consumption, air pollution noise and safety concerns. In Shanghai, various policy options have been explored, piloted or applied; however, not all of them may be understood and accepted by the public. A survey was conducted to investigate people’s attitudes towards several policy options. The main findings reveal that Shanghai residents are resis tant to certain policies, such as congestion charges, higher parking charges in congested areas and car restrictions. Instead, they favo public transport provisions. The paper suggests that there is a case for promoting public transport and more efficient trips when the car ownership is still low, and for investing in a policy of educat ing the public on the ‘true’ costs and causes of congestion before embarking on an intensive policy of congestion charges or restric tions.
出处 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2008年第3期40-47,共8页 中国人口·资源与环境(英文版)
关键词 traffic congestion travel demand management car ownership attitude survey 拥堵 交通管理 交通系统 停车场
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