

The Nonlinear System Design Technique based on the Dynamic Equilibrium State Theory
摘要 基于动平衡状态理论的非线性设计方法是一种建立在控制系统动平衡状态渐近稳定概念上的新的设计方法。首先设计控制律使系统的动平衡状态按期望的方式运动,然后按某一指标设计系统,使其状态按最佳方式向动平衡状态收敛。使用此方法对非线性跟踪问题进行设计,设计过程简单清楚,仿真结果正确,并能更深刻反映动平衡状态的含义。 The nonlinear system design technique based on the dynamic equilibrium state theory Is a new design technique based on the concept of the asymptotically stability of the control system dynamic equilibrium state. It first designs a referenced system according to a given performance, then takes the state of the referenced system as the dynamic equilibrium state of the original control system, designs a control law to make the system state move to its dynamic equilibrium in a scheduled way. When apply this method in the design of nonlinear tracking, the design process is straightforward and the simulation result is right, and the meanings of the dynamic equilibrium state can be deeply understood.
作者 王莉 王庆林
出处 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第11期17-21,共5页 Fire Control & Command Control
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60274056)
关键词 动平衡状态 LYAPUNOV函数 非线性系统 线性系统 BACKSTEPPING方法 dynamic equilibrium,lyapunov function, nonlinear control system, linear control system, backstepping technique
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