通过对由SCI检索出的1996-2005年间所发表的1320篇以环境评价(EA)为主题词的论文文献进行计量学统计分析,探求EA研究现状和发展趋势。分析表明,近年来,EA研究保持着稳定的发展态势和对科学工作者持久的吸引力。环境科学、环境与工程是包括EA相关论文的主要分类目录,论文在不同期刊内呈分散分布,Environmental Management、Ecological Economics、Environmental Monitoring和Assessment等是主要的研究成果发表期刊。国际间合作成为主要的发展趋势,合作发表的论文在数量和影响力两方面都呈增长态势。另外,研究存在着区域间的不平衡,发达国家处于优势地位。不过,研究也显示了环境评价研究在获取学术资源方面有不容乐观的一面。
To determine the characteristics of scientific productivity of EA study, a bibliometric analysis of 1,320 EA-related papers in SCI from 1996-2005 was performed. The results indicate that EA-related studies have kept a steady increase since 1996, and EA was a popular topic for scientists. Environmental science and engineering & environmental were the major subject categories of EA-related studies in SCI. The distribution of EA-related papers in journals was discrete. International collaboration was enhanced during the period of 1996-2005 on EA study, and obviously in- ternational co-authored papers were more visible than single-country papers. Developed countries have taken advantage to produce EA-related papers. There were three impeditive factors holding back the EA-Research: lack of continuity, low visibility and the difficulties they faced. Limitations of this bibliometric analysis are the ineompletion of original data and the bias.
Science of Science and Management of S.& T.