

Implantation of gold weight to the upper lid and shortening of lower eyelid for the treatment of lagophthalmos due to facial paralysis
摘要 报告13例因头颈部肿瘤所致面神经瘫痪,而采用上睑金片植入配合下睑缩短术治疗睑闭不合。其中腮腺恶性肿瘤所致9例,颞下窝肿瘤2例,颞面部纤维肉瘤和基底细胞癌各1例。此术式操作简便,眼并发症少,适应范围广,病人乐意接受,值得推广。 Thirteen patients with lagophthalmos due to facial paralysis following head andneck tumour operation were treated with gold weight implantation to the upper lid andshortening of lower eyelid. All patients restored their normal eyelid closure and im-proved looks. This surgical technique is simple, reliable and less eye complications-
出处 《耳鼻咽喉(头颈外科)》 1997年第3期154-156,共3页 Chinese Arch Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surg
关键词 眼睑疾病 睑闭不合 面瘫 眼外科手术 金片植入 Facial nerve Eyelid diseases Implants,artificial
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