
OBS网络基于光缓存的多优先级业务冲突研究 被引量:1

Study on optical buffer-based multi-priority traffic contentions in OBS networks
摘要 光突发交换(OBS)网络是下一代IP over WDM光网络的典型代表。文章对配置有光缓存的OBS网络核心节点中发生的多优先级业务冲突问题进行了性能分析,给出了不同优先级数据包的丢失率和平均等待时延,研究结果可以为OBS网络的实用化提供理论参考。 The Optical Burst Switching(OBS) network is a typical representative of the next generation IP over WDM networks.In this paper,the performance analysis is made of the multi-priority traffic contentions in the optical buffer-equipped core node in OBS networks.The packet loss probabilities and average waiting latency for different priority traffics are given.The results provide theoretical references for the realization of OBS networks.
作者 侯睿 陈婷婷
出处 《光通信研究》 北大核心 2008年第6期7-8,45,共3页 Study on Optical Communications
基金 中南民族大学自然科学基金资助项目(YZZ06024)
关键词 光突发交换 冲突 光缓存 包丢失率 时延 OBS contention optical buffer packet loss probability latency
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