
城市排水系统集成模拟研究进展 被引量:4

Advances of integrated simulation for urban drainage system
摘要 在回顾城市排水系统集成模拟研究发展和现状的基础上,结合可持续性城市排水系统理论,分析了现阶段城市排水系统集成模拟研究的局限和面临的问题。为了适应城市排水系统结构和功能的演变,实现系统的可持续性,今后城市排水系统集成模拟的研究应当完善对系统结构的描述,在集成模拟的过程中考虑不确定性因素对系统的影响,并构建高效能计算平台,解决城市排水系统大规模计算问题。 In this article, the development and present status of the integrated simulation for urban drainage system was reviewed, and based on the sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS) theory, the limitation and problems in the system were analyzed. It is proposed that in order to accommodate to the development of the structure and the function of the urban drainage system and realize system sustainability, the description of structure would he improved, the uncertainty should be considered during the modeling process and the highly efficient computing platform should be established for the large-scale calculation of urban drainage system.
出处 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第11期118-123,共6页 Water & Wastewater Engineering
基金 国家重点基础研究发展(973)课题(2006CB403407)
关键词 城市排水系统 集成模拟 可持续性 Urban drainage system Integrated simulation Sustainable
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