
陈化早籼糙米的适宜挤压膨化工艺参数研究 被引量:4

Study of Appropriate Extrusion Process Parameters on Storage Brown Rice
摘要 试验旨在研究实验室条件下的挤压膨化机螺杆转速、套筒温度、喂料速度、原料水分等工艺参数条件,对贮存3年的陈化早籼糙米淀粉糊化度和挤压膨胀度的影响,进而确定陈化早籼糙米的适宜挤压膨化加工参数。结果表明:当螺杆转速或喂料速度加快时降低了陈化早籼糙米淀粉糊化度和挤压膨胀度;适当提高套筒温度、保持适宜的原料水分可提高淀粉糊化度和挤压膨胀度,就评价陈化早籼糙米挤压膨化的效果而言,挤压膨胀度与淀粉糊化度的效应一致。实际生产时建议采用80~90℃膨化温度,20%原料水分,30.6kg/min喂料速度的膨化工艺参数。 An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of extrusion process parameters of the expander, such as screw rotate speed, extruder sleeve temperature, feeding rate, ingredient moisture on starch gelatinization degree and expanding degree for storage brown rice, and then found the appropriate expander processing parameters for storage brown rice. The results showed that the gelatinization degree and expanding degree decreased with the increasing of screw rotate speed or feeding rate, and the starch gelatinization degree increased with the increasing of extrusion temperature, maintaining appropriate ingredient moisture and supplementing with or-amylase. As to evaluate the effect of extrusion for storage brown rice, the expanding degree is equal to the starch gelatinization degree. Thus we suggested that 80 to 90℃ extrusion temperature, 20% ingredient moisture and 30.6 kg/min feeding rate could be applied during expander processing under the practical condition.
出处 《中国畜牧杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第23期41-45,共5页 Chinese Journal of Animal Science
基金 国家科技攻关项目(2002BA514A-11-5) (03NKY3099)
关键词 膨化 陈化早籼糙米 工艺参数 extrusion storage brown rice processing parameters
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