

The biomechanical testing of neotype shape memory alloy cervical hook for atlantoaxial instability
摘要 目的:测试研究新型形态记忆合金颈椎夹钩治疗寰枢椎不稳的生物力学稳定性。方法:采用上颈椎新鲜尸体标本8例依次参加4组试验,正常状态组、寰枢椎不稳组、新型形态记忆合金颈椎夹钩固定组、德国蛇牌SSE挂钩固定组,利用SPSS13.0软件包进行重复测量的方差分析,组间两两比较采用LSD法,差异标准置于0.05。结果:新型形态记忆合金颈椎夹钩固定组与德国蛇牌SSE挂钩固定组屈伸稳定性相当,差异无统计学意义(P=0.595);新型形态记忆合金颈椎夹钩侧弯稳定性(1.45±0.25)°不及德国蛇牌SSE挂钩(0.79±0.15)°,新型形态记忆合金颈椎夹钩旋转稳定性(5.08±0.68)°优于德国蛇牌SSE挂钩(8.01±1.21)°。侧弯和旋转稳定性差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),结论:新型形态记忆合金颈椎夹钩组具有与德国蛇牌SSE挂钩相当的术后即时稳定性。 Objective:To analyze the mechanics of neotype shape memory alloy cervical hook for atlantoaxial instability with biomechanical testing by compared with Germany AESCULAP SSE hanger fixation. Mothods: Eight fresh adult craniocervical specimens (C0-C4) used for testing the biomechanical instability were all putted into four test course: intact, instability, Germany AESCULAP SSE hanger fixation and neotype shape memory alloy cervical hook fixation. Repeated statistical analysis of the data was performed using the SPSS 13.0 software package. Measures were performed to determine whether significant differences existed. Results:According to the biomechanical testing, it was showed that the flexion-extension range of motion (ROM) of atlantoaxial instability fixation with Germany AESCULAP SSE hanger fixation had no statistic difference with neotype shape memory alloy cervical hook fixation (P=0.595). The biomechanical rotation stability of the neotype shape memory alloy cervical hook (5.08±0.68)° was higher than that of Germany AESCULAP SSE hanger fixation (8.01 ±1.21 )°. The biomechanical lateral bending stability of the neotype shape memory alloy cervical hook (1.45±0.25)° was lower than that of Germany AESCULAP S SE hanger fixation (0.79±0.15)°. Conclusions: According to the results of this in vitro study, the neotype shape memory alloy cervical hook fixation in atlantoaxial vertebrae show an outstanding character of biomechanical stability immediately postoperative.
出处 《中国临床解剖学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期669-672,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
基金 广东省医学科学技术研究基金(20061210440105196306118017) 广东省自然科学基金(06105116)
关键词 寰枢椎不稳 生物力学 颈椎夹钩 atlantoaxial instability biomechanics cervical hook
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