
WTO反倾销法律制度的最新改革成果探析 被引量:4

Reflection of the Newly Innovated Fruit of WTO Antidumping Rules
摘要 WTO规则谈判工作组的主席加尔米斯先生于2007年11月30日公布了一份有关《反倾销协定》的修订草案,这是多哈回合反倾销规则谈判所取得的最新成果,同时也构成了下一阶段谈判的基础和出发点。该草案在归零法、因果关系认定、反规避、日落复审等方面提出了重要的修订意见,并试图协调成员方的不同立场和利益。我们应理性地评估该草案的意义。 Guillermo Valles Galmes, the Chairman of the Negotiating Group on Rules ot WTO, released a draft text about the modification of Antidumping Agreement on 30 November 2007. The draft was the fresh fruit of antidumping rules negotiation in Doha round up to now and established the basis for the further negotiation of next phase. The draft presented several important modifications about the issue of zeroing, causation, anti-circumvention and sunset review, with the hope of harmonizing distinct positions and interests of members. We should assess the significance of the draft text pragmatically.
作者 刘勇
出处 《国际贸易问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第12期116-122,共7页 Journal of International Trade
基金 2006年度浙江省教育厅资助项目<WTO反倾销法律制度的特点 发展趋势与中国的对策>的阶段性成果。
关键词 多哈回合 反倾销规则谈判 主席文本 Doha round Antidumping rules negotiation Chair text
  • 相关文献


  • 1ICTSD, US, Other Countries Clash Over Antidumping Rules in Chair' s Text, http://www.ictsd.org/weekly/(访问时间:2007-12-19).
  • 2TN/RL/GEN/147, 27 June 2007
  • 3TN/RL/W/208,5 June,2007
  • 4TN/RL/GEN/8, 14 July 2004
  • 5TN/RL/W/113, 6 June 2003.
  • 6TN/RL/W/214/Rev.2, 18 December 2007.
  • 7REUTERS, WTO Antidumping Talks to Carry on Despite Rifts, http://www.reuters.com/article /sphereNews/idUSL14636739?sp=true(访问时间:2007-12-14).
  • 8USTR. United States Wins WTO "Zeroing" Dispute with Mexico, http://www.ustr.gov/Document_Library/Press_Releases/2007/Decembet/ UnitedStates_ Wins_WTO_ Zeroing_Dispute with Mexico(访问单:2007-12-20).
  • 9Rangel, Levin Statement Regarding WTO "Offset" Decision, http://waysandmeans.house.gov/News.asp?Form Modc=release&ID=606(访问时问:2007-12-20).
  • 10TN/RL/W/45,27January2003.


  • 1王娟.经济法可持续发展原则的思考[J].河北经贸大学学报,2005,26(5):89-93. 被引量:3
  • 2Negotiating Group on Rules, New Draft Consolidated Chair Texts of the AD and SCM Agreements, TN/RIJW/236, 19 December 2008.
  • 3Council Regulation (EC) No. 384/96 of 22 December 1995 on Protection Against Dumped Imports from Countries Not Members of the European Community.
  • 4Proposal on Lesser Duty, Paper from Brazil; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Hong Kong, China; Israel; Japan; Korea; Mexico ; Norway ; Singapore ; Switzerland ; the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu ; Thailand and Turkey, TN/RL/W/119, 16 June 2003.
  • 5Second Submission of India ( Anti-dumping Agreement), TN/RIVW/26, 17 October 2002.
  • 6Inida's Replies to Questions from the United States on Its Submissions ( TN/RIVW/4 AND TN/RIVW/26), TN/RL/W/99, 6 May 2003.
  • 7Proposal on Mandatory Application of Lesser Duty Rule, Communication from India, TN/RL/W/170, 9 February 2005.
  • 8Submissions from the European Communities concerning the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of GATT 1994 ( Anti-dumping Agreement), TN/RL/W/13, 8 July 2002.
  • 9Submissions from Canada respecting the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the GATY 1994 ( the Anti-dumping Agreement) , TN/RL/W/47, 28 January 2003.
  • 10Proposal of the People's Republic of China on the Negotiation on Anti-dumping, TN/RL/W/66, 6 March 2003.










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