提出了基于 DDR 存储器的高速 FIFO 图像缓存方案,降低了用户接口的设计难度,实现了高速缓存的容量扩展,并成功应用于工程项目。本文设计中使用16bit 数据位宽的 DDR 器件,创新地实现了行猝发的操作模式,极大地提高了数据吞吐量。在工作时钟为100MHz 的条件下实现了平均缓存速度高达360MB/s,接近理论峰值数据吞吐量400MB/s。
This paper introduces a scheme of high-speed FIFO buffer based on DDR memory component, which simplifies the implementation for user interface design, expands the buffer volume and finally is applied in practical project. This paper adopts a DDR component of 16bit data width and creatively increases the data throughout by implementing the row burst operation. The design reaches a maximal average data transportation speed of 360MB/s which is a breakthrough for it's approaching the theory speed 400MB/s.
Application of Electronic Technique