
圈栏面积、形状和隔栏方式对猪排泄行为的影响 被引量:5

Effects of size,shape and partition type of pen on excretory behavior of domestic pigs
摘要 猪在圈栏内的排泄行为是直接影响粪尿在舍内的收集方式和清洁生产的首要环节。在不同的舍饲环境和饲养方式下猪的排泄行为随之变化,该文就育成育肥猪在常见的圈栏饲养方式下,对两种圈栏面积(14.4m2和9.6m2)、两种圈栏形状(长宽比为1︰1和1.5︰1)和隔栏方式(开敞和封闭),进行了两个重复的对比试验,研究这三个因素对猪群排泄区地点和排泄区面积大小的影响。将每个圈栏划分为15个网格区域,利用摄像仪记录猪的排泄行为后,通过observer软件分析落在每个网格区域的排泄频次,将排泄区定义为80%以上的排泄行为发生所在区域之和。结果表明圈栏面积对排泄区地点和面积大小有显著影响(Mann-WhitneyUTest,P<0.001),圈栏形状和隔栏方式影响不显著。并随着猪龄的增长,排泄区地点向漏缝地板方向移动,排泄区面积明显加大(Fridman Test,P<0.05),污染更加严重。应在育肥和育成阶段分开,并设计合理的圈栏尺寸,以实现猪到漏缝地板上排泄。 Many factors affecting elimination site preference of, domestic pig were discussed. A 23 factorial experiment with two pens per treatment was conducted to examine the factors affecting the excretory behavior of growing-finishing pigs. The factors investigated were size(14.4 m^2 or 9.6 m^2), shape(length: width= 1.5:1 or 1:1) and partition type(open or closed) of the pig pen. Every pen was divided into 15 regions. The frequency of elimination behavior in every area was analyzed with OBSERVER software. Elimination area was defined as the sum of areas in which the frequency of elimination behavior was over 80%. Pen shape and partition type had no effect on eliminative site preference and area. The elimination area was larger in pen with the size of 14.4 m^2 than that with the size of 9.6 m^2 (Mann-Whitney U Test, P〈 0.001), and it tended much larger with the growth of pigs(Fridman Test, P〈 0.05).
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第11期206-211,共6页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 “十一五”国家科技支撑计划课题(2006BAD14B01)
关键词 排泄区地点 圈栏面积与形状 隔栏方式 育成育肥猪 排泄区面积 eliminative site election, size and shape of pen, partition type of pen, growing-finishing pig, elimination area
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