Objective : In order to compare the treatment of electro - acupuncture with traditional Chinese medicine for facial paralysis, the treatment of electro - acupuncture for facial paralysis and traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation treatment for facial paralysis of the clinical efficacy. Methods: 120 cases of facial paralysis patients were randomly divided into three groups: the treatment group, the electro -acupuncture groul5 and the traditional chinese medicine group, for each group of 40 cases. The patients were divided into wind -cold attaching the collateras, wind heat attacking the collateras, wind -phlem in the collateras, blood stasis in the collateras four types. The treatment group treated by electro - acupuncture with traditional Chinese medicine; electro- acupuncture with traditional Chinese medicine; electro- acupuncture group only treated by electro - acupuncture; Chinese medicine treatment group only treated with traditional chinese medicine. Results: Take 3 groups for comparison, the difference was significant (P 〈 0. 01 ). The treatment group is different significantly compared to the electro - acupuncture group (P 〈 0. 005 ), The treatment group is still different compared to the traditional chinese medicine group ( P 〈0. 001 ) , and the electro - acupuncture group also different compare to the traditional chinese medicine group ( P 〈 0. 05). Conclusion : Differential Treatment of traditional Chinese medicine with electro - acupuncture for facial paralysis is more effective than the treatment of only use electric acupuncture treatment or traditional chinese medicine treatment. Suggesting that the treatment of electro - acupuncture with traditional Chinese medicine for facial paralysis worthy to be popularized.
Journal of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Facial Paralysis
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Treatment on Syndrome Differentation