

The body model for garment comfortable evaluation and CFD application technology
摘要 从服装功能性产品设计需求出发,介绍了CFD技术在人体生理模型、着装舒适性模型及评价方面的研究进展,并给出了用CFD建立服装舒适性模型的实例,展望了CFD技术在服装舒适性研究领域的应用前景。 On the demand of designing functional garments, recent research development on body thermoregulatory models and garment comfortable models are introduced, examples of constructing garment comfortable model by CFD arc specialized, the future development of the CFD applications on garment comfortable research domain is put forward.
作者 张昭华 李俊
出处 《国际纺织导报》 2008年第11期67-68,70-72,共5页 Melliand China
关键词 CFD着装舒适性 人体生理模型 虚拟假人 产品设计 CFD, garment comfort, human body physiology model, visual thermal manikin
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