
微创截骨治疗小趾囊炎 被引量:2

Minimal incision osteotomy for tailor's bunion
摘要 [目的]回顾分析微创截骨治疗小趾囊炎方法及疗效。[方法]2002年7月~2007年8月采用微创截骨方法治疗小趾囊炎,其中37例69足资料完整并获得随访。患足均于手术前、后拍摄负重位正侧位X线片,并测量相关解剖角度。应用AOFAS趾-跖趾-趾间关节评分系统对治疗前后进行临床评估。[结果]第4、5跖骨间角术前为14.36°±7.32°,术后为9.36°±2.92°;小趾内翻角术前为20.44°±7.36°,术后为4.36°±1.35°;改良第4、5跖骨间角术前为10.36°±2.81°,术后为7.83°±2.37°;第5跖骨外翻角术前为5.46°±1.70°,术后为2.13°±0.38°。术前AOFAS评分为(45.7±5.6)分,术后为(85.3±5.1)分,两者相比,P<0.05,差异有统计学意义。[结论]微创截骨治疗小趾囊炎方法简单,疗效确切。 [Objective] To retrospectively analyze the treatment of tailor's bunion with minimal incision osteotomy, and to investigate the indications and effects of this procedure. [Method] Thirty- seven patients (69 feet) underwent the procedure from July 2002 to August 2007. The axial and lateral films of all feet with loading were taken before and after operation. AOFAS were recorded and analyzed preoperatively and postoperatively. [Result] The forth intermetatarsal angle was 14.36°±7.32° before operation and 9.36°±2.92°after operation. The unguis aduneus angle of digitus quintus pedis was 20.44°±7.36° before operation and 4.36°±1.35°after operation. The forth reforming intermetatarsal angle was 10.36°±2.81° before operation and 7.83°±2.37°after operation. The exstrophy angle of the fifth metatarsal was 5.46°±1.70° before operation and 2.13°±0.38° after operation. The score of AOFAS was 45.7 ±5.6 before operation and 85.3±5.1 after operation. [Conclusion] The treat-ment of tailor's bunion with minimal incision osteotomy is easy to operate and its therapeutic effect is convincing.
出处 《中国矫形外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第23期1784-1786,共3页 Orthopedic Journal of China
关键词 小趾囊炎 微创技术 截骨 tailor's bunion minimal incision osteotomy
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