

Studies on the Performances of “953”Giant Wool Rabbits
摘要 利用3年多时间,对我省育成的“953”巨型长毛兔新品系0到4世代的繁殖性能、生长发育性能、产毛性能及生活力进行了研究测定。4世代种兔的窝均产仔数7.26只、初生窝重397g、3周龄窝重2568g、断奶成活率77.41%,断奶仔数达到5.62只,断奶个体重达到1208g,分别比0世代提高12.4%和10.22%;4世代兔的3月龄体重2261g、6月龄体重3500g、8月龄体重4422g、12月龄体重4886g,半岁体重和周岁(成年)体重分别比0世代提高4.42%和1.64%,按3个月养毛期8月龄的剪毛情况估测,4世代的年产毛量1120g、产毛率27.04%、料毛比50.8:1,分别比0世代提高1.82%、2.0%和0.63%,4世代所产仔兔42日龄断奶成活率77.41%、3月龄保育成活率91.37%、6月龄育成成活率95.49%.分别高于0世代19.06%、0.71%和0.77%。研究表明,该品系体型大、繁殖及产毛性能好、饲料转化率高、早期生长快,3到4世代后各项经济性能指标趋于稳定。现有核心繁殖群7200只,生产群2.5万只,已在本省及全国推广种母兔20余万只,所有经济性状及推广数量已超过了预定指标。 In over 3 years, studies were made to evaluate 0-4 generations of '953'GiantWool Rabbits, a new. strain developed in Henan Province, in terms of reproduction. growth, hair yield and survival ability. For the fourth generation of breeding rabbits, litter size, litter weight at birth, litter weight at 3 wk of age, survival rate at weaning averaged 7. 26 young, 397g, 2568g and 77.41%, respectively; and litter size and individual weights at weaning reached 5. 62 young and 1208g, 12. 4% and 10. 22% higher than those from generation zero. Body weights at 3, 6, 8, and 12 mo of age for rabbits from generation four averaged 2261, 3500, 4422 and 4886g, respectively; and body weights at 0. 5 and 1 yr of age were 4. 42 and 1. 64%heavier than those from generation zero, respectively. According to hair yields of 8 -mo-olds with a 3 -mo period of hair growth, annual hair yield, hair production and feed -to - hair ratio were estimated to be 1120g, 27. 04% and 50. 8 : 1, and improve 1. 82, 2. 0 and 0. 63% compared with those from generation zero. Survival rates averaged 77. 41, 91. 37 and 95.49% for 42 -day -old weaned, 3 - mo - old nursing and 6 -mo -old finishing rabbits produced by generation four, and were 19. 06,0. 71 and 0. 77% higher than those produced by generation zero. Results showed that this strain has a larger body, better reproduction and hair yield performances, quicker early growth, and more stable economic characteristics after generations three and four. Now , this strain has a nucleus herd of 7200 and a production herd of 25 thousand. Over 200 thousand breeding female rabbits of this strain have been popularized in the province and other provinces. All economic traits and popularized numbers have exceeded the predetermined targets.
出处 《郑州牧专学报》 1997年第4期5-10,共6页
关键词 巨型 长毛兔 繁殖性能 生长发育 产毛性能 953' Giant Wool Rabbit reproductive performance growth performance wool production survival ability.
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