

Protocol and its Energy-efficiency based on Cross-layer for Wireless Sensor Network
摘要 无线传感器网络节点采用电池供电,能量有限。很多情况下电池无法更换,网络中的节点会因能量耗尽而失效。节点的主要能耗是网络通信开销,因此,设计低能耗的网络协议成为无线传感器网络研究的核心问题之一。描述了无线传感器网络的主要能量消耗来源,介绍了Cross-layer设计思想和协议结构,对在Cross-layer框架下开发相关网络协议的能量有效性进行了必要的分析。 The nodes of wireless sensor networks adopt the battery to supply power, so energy is limited. Because the battery is unable to change mostly, nodes are of no use after energy exhausting. Most part of the energy is consumed by network communications, so designing low energy consumption protocols become one of the key questions in researches of WSN. In this paper, the energy consumption are described, the thinking and framework of Cross - layer are introduced, the energy - efficient protocols based on the Cross -layer are analyzed.
作者 马进 王福豹
出处 《微处理机》 2008年第5期54-56,共3页 Microprocessors
基金 国家自然科学基金(60273009)
关键词 无线传感器网络协议 Cross—layer 能量有效性 Protocols for WSN Cross - layer Energy - efficient
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