选择投放产卵器和自然人工生态育苗两种方式进行大弹涂鱼(Boleophthalmus pectinirostris)人工育苗试验,通过清除敌害、调控水位、分批出苗的方法人工培育大弹涂鱼。结果显示,底质较硬的养殖池,投放产卵器可以获得受精卵,而长期用于大弹涂鱼养殖的土质较软的泥滩地,亲鱼则更倾向于直接钻洞产卵孵化;证明大弹涂鱼在池塘养殖条件下能够自然繁殖。
Two kinds of artificial breeding methods have been chose for Boleophthalmus pectinirostris breeding. The results showed that the fish preferred to spawn in artificial ovipositor where the bottom soil of rearing pond was hard to make a hole for their living, where the bottom soil was soft, the fish preferred to spawn in the hole. That indicated Boleophthalmus pectinirostris could be artificial breeding in rearing pond.
Journal of Fujian Fisheries