[目的]探讨微创腹横纹小切口在男性小儿先天性腹股沟疾病中的应用体会。[方法]采用微创腹横纹小切口治疗小儿先天性腹股沟疾病410例,其中鞘膜积液237例,隐睾134例,疝39例。[结果]所有手术均成功。术中出血5-20 mL,平均10 mL。手术时间14-70 min,平均30 min。术后住院时间3-7 d,平均5 d。无切口感染及阴囊血肿病例。术后随访0.5-4.0年,无复发病例。[结论]微创腹横纹小切口治疗男性小儿先天性腹股沟疾病恢复快、切口小、创伤小、痛苦少,值得推广应用。
[Objective]To study application and comprehension of mini-invasive technique(transverse mini-nick) in 410 male children with inguinal diseases.[Methods]Transverse mini-nick was used in 410 cases of male children with inguinal diseases including 237 cases of hydrocele,134 cases of undescendent testis and 39 cases of hernia.[Results]All the operations succeeded.Blood loss was 5 to 20mL.The operation time was 14 to 70 minutes.There was no case of infection or scrotal hematoma.There were no relapses after follow up for 0.5 to 4.0 years.[Conclusion]Transverse mini-nick is mini-invasive technique.The recovery is quick and there is little pain.It is worthy of generalization.
Journal of Clinical Research