论文提出了一个基于高时间分辨率静止卫星的陆面区域蒸散模型(a Land Regional Evapotranspiration Model based on High Temporal Resolution Geostationary Satellite Data,LREMHT),该模型基于对地表温度日过程的傅立叶拟合计算感热通量,进而计算蒸散发日过程,模型时间分辨率高、需要参数少、不依赖地面数据,是一个全遥感经验模型。利用地面实测潜在蒸发的日总量及其空间分布对模型结果进行了验证,表明模型计算合理,可用于区域耗水模拟。利用该模型计算分析了春旱季节(2005年4月份)淮河流域蚌埠以上农业区的区域耗水时空分布格局,结果表明:①日内:耗水最低值出现在日出前后,最高值出现在正午能量交换最活跃的时刻;②月内:一日耗水最高值出现时刻逐步往后推移:上旬出现在11:00前后,中旬出现在13:00前后,而下旬出现在14:00前后;日总量呈现递增趋势;③区域耗水月总量在空间上呈现北高南低、西高东低的趋势,由东南向西北递增,西北农业区耗水量最高。
A model named Land Regional Evapotranspiration Model based on High Temporal Resolution Geostationary Satellite Data (LREMHT), which is based on high temporal resolution stationary satellite, is presented. It is a new remote sensing empirical model which computes evapotranspiration daytime process with high temporal resolution, less parameter and independent of ground observations. This is done by computing sensible heat flux with daytime land surface temperature process and Fourier Series. Daily amount and spatial distribution of potential evaporation observations were used for validation, which indicates that our model is reasonable and are available for modeling regional water consumption. Then the temporal and spatial pattern of regional water consumption in the agricultural district upstream the Bengbu Sluice of the Huaihe River Basin is analyzed using this model in the period of spring drought season ( April, 2005 ). Results show that : ( 1 ) Daily : the minimum value of water consumption occurred around sunrise and the maximum one is at noon when the energy exchange is most active. (2) Monthly: the maximum value of daily water consumption occurred gradually late: it happened at about 11:00 in the early April, at about 13:00 in the mid April, and at about 14:00 in the late April; daily amount of water consumption increased slowly in April. (3) The spatial pattern of regional monthly water consumption had a distribution of high in the north and low in the south, high in the west and low in the east; and it was increasing progressively from southeast to northwest; there was a higher value in the northwest agricultural district.
Journal of Natural Resources
Key Project of International Cooperation of the Natural Science Foundation of China(NO.50279249)
regional water consumption
temporal-spatial pattern
high temporal resolution stationary satellite
agricultural district of the Huaihe River Basin