
智能公路技术展示系统设计与实现 被引量:4

Design and Realization of Technical Demonstration System for Intelligent Highway System
摘要 交通部公路科学研究院(国家ITS中心)在公路交通综合试验场实现了智能公路技术展示系统。该系统依托该试验场内3.7 km的环形组合试验路,以基于车路协调理念的在途信息服务与驾驶辅助为主题,集成了近年来智能公路研究领域的典型成果,包括基于位置的交通信息服务(LBS)、车道保持辅助驾驶、视距不良条件下的视野拓展(弯道路段障碍物预警)、动态称重WIM与超载预警、IP接入与出行服务等功能,通过技术展示和试乘试驾,为驾驶员和乘客提供信息服务和安全辅助,体验未来信息社会中的公路交通出行方式。展示活动受到了国内外专家学者的广泛关注和好评。本文将主要介绍该展示系统的功能与实现。 During the period of the 14th World Congress on ITS, a technical demonstration about the Intelligent Highway System was organized by Research Institute of Highway (ITSC) in the proving ground for highway and traffic engineering. The demonstration was based on a 3.7 kilometer-long test ring road, with the topic of "providing information support and driving assistance for divers based on the idea of coordination between road infrastructure and vehicle" . The system integrated the latest achievements and typical applications of Intelligent Highway System in recent years. The functions for demonstration include location-based safety information service, lane-keeping driving assistance, obstacle alarm for curve road, weigh-in-motion and overload alarm, internet connection and travel information service and so on. Hundreds of experts at home and abroad visited the demonstration to experience the road traffic mode in the future information society and thought highly of it. The functions and realization process of the system was introduced in detail.
出处 《公路交通科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期146-150,共5页 Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(八六三计划)资助项目(2006AA11Z112)
关键词 智能运输系统 智能公路系统 车路协调 驾驶辅助 技术展示 Intelligent Transport Systems Intelligent Highway System road- vehicle coordination driving assistance technical demonstration
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