

On Influence of Cognitive Content System and Cognitive Linguistic System on Second Language Reading
摘要 第二语言阅读与母语阅读之间尽管有许多共同的基本要素,但阅读过程却差异很大。第二语言阅读受很多因素的影响,而内容认知体系和语言认知体系对第二语言阅读的影响尤其深远。了解内容认知体系和语言认知体系,掌握第二语言阅读技巧和策略,可以帮助第二语言学习者成功地进行第二语言阅读。掌握内容认知体系有助于更好地理解文本,提高阅读能力;不同类型的语言文本结构及不同语言群体的差异是影响第二语言阅读的另一重要因素。因此,在阅读前应借助语境信息在阅读过程中寻找重要信息并运用释义、重复等来记忆文本,识别文本结构。 Many mutual factors exist between mother language reading and foreign language reading, but the process of reading differs greatly. Foreign language reading is influenced by many factors, while the influence from cognitive content system and cognitive linguistic system is even profound. The better you understand the previous two factors as well as technique of foreign language reading,the more help they will do for the success of foreign language reading. Mastering cognitive content system will help you to know more about articles and improve your reading ability. Different types of structure between passages and difference between people influence foreign language reading. Before reading, you'd better seek some critical information with the help of linguistic situation. And you can identify the structure of the articles and memorize it in utilizing explanation, repetition, etc.
作者 潘红丽
出处 《商洛学院学报》 2008年第6期67-69,共3页 Journal of Shangluo University
关键词 内容认知体系 语言学认知体系 处理策略 cognitive content system cognitive linguistic system tackling strategy
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