Compensatory growth, which is refers to the exceptionally fast growth of individuals following a period of reduced growth resulting from suboptimal conditions, has been intensively studied in a wide range of ruminant animals, aquatic animals and higher plants. Up to now, however, there has been little information available on the compensatory growth in marine phytoplankton, the first primary producers in the marine environments and a natural resource containing a high content of bioactive compounds with many industrial applications, mainly because of their microscopic size and methodology limitation. In the present study, the compensatory growth of marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum was investigated after algal cells were exposed to different conditions of darkness and UV radiation by determining cell biomass, chlorophyll a content and protein content in the recovery stage. Our results indicated that the cell biomass of marine Phaeoclactylum tricornutum microalga recovered from 0.1 min and 0.8 min radiation was comparatively higher than that without UV radiation through out the experiments, no matter in normal light treatment or 2-day darkness treatment. Besides, returning back to standardized growth condition after algal cells subjected to darkness treatment and UV radiation also tended to have a compensatory effect on the content of chlorophyll a and protein on some days. The results have provided the first demonstration that marine phytoplankton Phaeodactylum tricornutum which previously encountered various stresses of darkness and UV radiation showed compensatory growth if the stresses were relieved, and that the magnitude and duration of compensatory growth would depend on the variations of darkness and UV radiation from which the cells had formerly suffered. These findings could not only contribute to an expanding data concerning the compensatory growth of plant species, but also provide theoretical and technological base for predicting of red tides or for commercial culture of marine microalgae.
Ecology and Environmnet
This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40876074 and No. 30770336)
the Guangdong Key Guiding Project of Science and Technology Planning (No. 2005B33201001)
the Zhuhai Science and Technology Planning Project Contract Research (No. PC20061045). ~~
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
compensatory growth
UV radiation