

The Narrative Discourse Strategy in Cao Yu's Drama:A Form of Crisscross Narration
摘要 曹禺戏剧中有大量的叙述话语,这些叙述话语一方面为剧场演出进行必要的环境交待和角色阐释,另一方面却又以"不可靠的叙述"、"客观描写的主观意向"、"角色介绍的未完成性"等语言策略设置语义迷宫。要穿越这个语义迷宫,不仅需要读者的细致敏锐,还需要借助文本各部分之间,甚至是文本与文本之间的对比参照。 Cao Yu's drama includes plenty of narrative discourses. These narrative discourses, on the one hand, make necessary explanation of environment and roles for the theater performance. On the other hand, they establish semantic labyrinths by language strategies such as "unreliable narration", "subjective intention in objective description" and "incompleteness of role introduction", all of which make the narrations ambiguous. In order to pass through the semantic labyrinth, audience is expected not only to be careful and keen, but also to draw support from comparison between parts within the text and even that between texts.
出处 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第6期119-122,共4页 Journal of Xiangtan University:Philosophy And Social Sciences
关键词 曹禺戏剧 话语策略 叙述话语 dramas by Cao Yu discourse strategy narrative discourses
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