

Rebellion:the Start of Growth
摘要 加拿大女作家露西.莫德.蒙哥马利的小说一直以来受到欧美女性主义文学评论家的关注。评论家在对她的小说进行女性主义解读时存在着迥然不同的争议:一种认为蒙哥马利的小说是迎合父权制;另一种宣称她的小说是反叛父权制。通过分析蒙哥马利的代表作之一《新月的艾米莉》中艾米莉的四位引路人,试图得出结论:蒙哥马利的小说表面上看似遵循父权社会性别期待,实际上颠覆并挑战了传统社会的性别模式和价值规范;蒙哥马利还暗示男性和女性应该携手共同冲破父权制框架的箝制,在以人的生命价值和尊严为核心的成长过程中实现整体人类的健康成长。 The novels of Lucy Maud Montgomery,a Canadian writer, have been one of the major concerns of feminist literary critics in beth Europe and America. And there are two diametrically interpretations with respect to her novels. Whereas some regard her novels as flattering patriarchy, others argue that her novels rebel against it. Based on the analysis of the four guides of Emily in Emily of New Moon, a tentative conclusion was made:on the surface, Montgomery's novels seem to meet with the sexist expectation of patriarchy, in fact, they challenge and rebel against the traditional sex pattern and social values ; furthermore, she went as far as suggesting that males and females join hands to shatter the chains and cuffs of patriarchy, and that humans as a whole grow up healthily in the process of defending the value of life and human dignity.
作者 项凤靖
出处 《绍兴文理学院学报》 2008年第6期61-65,共5页 Journal of Shaoxing University
基金 绍兴市哲学社会科学研究"十一五"规划2007年度重点课题"露西.莫德.蒙哥马利的少女成长小说研究" 课题编号:115106。
关键词 成长 引路人 反叛 父权制 growth guide rebellion patriarchy
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