
P2P-SIP分层结构的通信机制 被引量:1

The Research of P2P-SIP Hierarchy Based Communication Mechanism
摘要 P2P与SIP相结合(简称P2P-SIP)的媒体会话与传输机制还没有广泛实际的应用,主要原因在于P2P节点不稳定性以及缺乏完整的P2P-SIP通信结构设计.针对以上问题设计了基于SIP和P2P相结合的媒体通信机制,针对加入各节点的异构性,在覆盖网络的组织上采用了分层结构,使用超级节点对整个覆盖网络节点进行管理,并提出了组织分层结构的算法.仿真表明,该机制与现有的P2P系统结构相比有较高的稳定性,减少了网络中媒体通信的信息量以及资源定位的时延. The combination of P2P with SIP has some problems such as the instability due to P2P nodes characteristics and lack of complete and practical design. A new media communication mechanism based on P2P-SIP was therefore designed, where the hierarchy is used to form an overlay network because of the heterogeneity of the nodes involved in. Then, an algorithm was presented to form the hierarchy. Simulation results showed that the stability of the hierarchical mechanism is higher than that of existing P2P system, thus reducing both the information quantity in media communication networks and time delay for the location and registration of information resources.
出处 《东北大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期1702-1705,共4页 Journal of Northeastern University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60273078) 河北省科技厅博士基金资助项目(55470130-3)
关键词 P2P SIP 覆盖网络 分层结构 实时流 P2P SIP overlay network hierarchy real-time streaming
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