
一种基于Boost电路的新型矩阵变换器及其谐波分析 被引量:3

Harmonic Analysis of Novel Matrix Converter Based on Boost Circuit
摘要 在交-直-交矩阵变换器的中间直流环节上串联一工作在高频脉冲状态下的Boost升压电路,形成了一种基于Boost电路的交-直-交矩阵变换器Boost MC(boost matrix converter)。利用其在高频脉冲状态的升压能力,达到提高矩阵变换器的电压传输比的目的。推导了相关的数学模型,讨论了Boost电路的不连续导通(DCM)工作模式,分析了电路拓扑结构,重点讨论了Boost MC的升压原理并对输入电流和输出电压进行了谐波分析。仿真试验结果验证了该方案的有效性和正确性,电压传输比可达到1.0以上,输出电压波形非常接近正弦波,谐波含量增加不多,且主要为开关频率附近的高次谐波。 A novel boost matrix converter (Boost MC) based on boost circuit and AC -DC- AC matrix con- verter was presented, by connecting a boost circuit worked under the high frequency on middle direct current link of AC - DC - AC matrix converter. Through utilizing boosted function of boost circuit under the high frequency pulse condition, the voltage transfer ratio of matrix converter can be increased remarkably. It discussed discontinuous conduction mode of boost circuit, circuit topology and theory of increasing voltage transfer ratio and analyzed harmonic of input currents and output voltage. The simulation results demonstrate that the validity of theoretical analysis and modulation strategy presented, in which maximal ratio of voltage transfer is above 1.0. The waveform of output voltage is similar with sine wave perfectly. The harmonic of output voltage is around of switch frequency and slightly influenced.
作者 朱建林 管彦
出处 《电气传动》 北大核心 2008年第12期33-38,共6页 Electric Drive
基金 湖南省教育厅科研项目资助(06C833)
关键词 矩阵变换器 BOOST电路 电压传输比 谐波分析 matrix converter boost circuit voltage transfer ratio harmonic analysis
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