
CD24表达在乳腺浸润性导管癌中的意义 被引量:1

Expression and significance of CD24 and Ki67 in breast invasive ductal carcinoma
摘要 目的探讨乳腺浸润性导管癌组织中CD24的表达与肿瘤增殖和侵袭的关系。方法应用免疫组织化学方法检测142例乳腺浸润性导管癌组织中CD24、Ki67的表达,与其他临床病理参数进行比较;分析57例CD24阳性病例中导管内癌成分与浸润性成分CD24的表达;根据ER和c-erbB-2表达分组,比较各组间CD24的表达。结果在乳腺浸润性导管癌中,CD24的表达在患者年龄分组、肿瘤大小及PR、c-erbB-2的表达上差异无统计学意义,而在有无淋巴结转移、组织学分级、临床分期、ER及Ki67的表达上差异有统计学意义;且CD24表达等级与Ki67的表达等级之间呈正相关。在合并DCIS的IDC中导管内癌成分和浸润性成分CD24的表达差异无统计学意义。在不同的ER和c-erbB-2表达组间CD24的表达差异有统计学意义。结论CD24的高表达在乳腺癌的增殖和侵袭中起重要作用。检测CD24和Ki67有助于乳腺癌病情的预后判断。 Objective To investigate the expression and significance of CD24 and Ki67 in breast invasive ductal carcinoma and explore the roles of CD24 and Ki67 in cell proliferation and invasiveness. Methods The expression of CD24 and Ki67 in the tissues from 142 patients with invasive ductal carcinoma was detected by using immunohistochemistry. The expression levels were compared with clinicopathologic parameters and observed in intraductal carcinoma and invasive carcinoma. The CD24 expression significance was analyzed in each group according to the expression of ER and c-erbB-2. Results CD24 expression wasn' t associated with the patient' s age, tumor size, PR and c-erbB-2 status as well as histopathology. There were correlations between the CD24 expression and node status, grade, clinical stage, ER as well as Ki67 level. The rank of the CD24 expression was positively related with Ki67. There was significant difference in CD24 level between various groups based on the expression of ER and c-erbB-2. Conclusion The over expression of CD24 acts as an important role in the proliferation and invasiveness of breast carcinoma. The determination of CD24 and Ki67 is helpful to predicting the prognosis of breast carcinoma.
作者 刘宁 牛昀
出处 《中华实验外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期1596-1599,共4页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery
基金 长江学者创新团队资助项目(IRT0743)
关键词 乳腺癌 CD24 KI67 Breast carcinoma CD24 Ki67
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