
论媒体场合中的口译 被引量:7

On Interpreting in the Media Setting
摘要 随着大众传媒日趋国际化,各国间通过各种媒体形式的交流在不断加强。在视、听交流的世界中存在着不同的口译形式。本文通过对媒体口译几种颇具代表性场合的口译:宣传会,电影和电视节目特点的具体介绍与分析,表明媒体场合中口译员所面临的不同于其他场合口译的特殊制约。作者在指出这些制约在口译处理过程中给译员带来了不利因素,并对口译结果产生负面影响的同时也提出了相应的应对策略。作者最后还指出随着大众传媒日趋国际化,媒体场合中的口译员须具备比大会口译员更高的心理素质。 With the increasing internationalization of the mass media, communication, both audio and visual, among world countries is also developing. Indeed, various forms of interpreting take place in the world of audio-visual communication. In the meantime, the importance of media interpreting is quite obvious, but the limited attention so far has been thought worthy of. This paper aims to point out that interpreters in the media setting are faced with more challenges and constraints than other interpreting settings through a careful examination of three most representative settings in media interpreting. The author further argues that these insurmountable constraints will naturally increase interpreters' processing capacity based on Gile's Effort Model and therefore directly influence the output. Moreover, the author puts forward some effective coping strategies for media interpreting. In the end, the author asserts that interpreters in the media setting should be more self-possessed than conference interpreters.
作者 张燕
出处 《外语电化教学》 CSSCI 2008年第6期46-51,共6页 Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education
关键词 口译 媒体场合 电影口译 电视口译 Interpreting Media Setting Movie Interpreting TV Interpreting
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