目的探讨女性可控性回肠膀胱术的远期随访疗效。方法女性膀胱肿瘤患者19例,年龄45~66岁,平均52岁。病程16d-1.9年,平均4.4个月。临床表现均有间歇性无痛性全程血尿。肿瘤单发14例,多发5例。活检病理均为移行细胞癌。分级:G110例、G27例、G32例,UICC分期:pT15例、pT212例、pT3a 2例。肿瘤距膀胱颈部〉2cm。尿道无肿瘤,无尿失禁。19例均采用改良根治性膀胱全切除术,不切除子宫及阴道前壁,保护支配尿道的神经,清除盆腔脂肪淋巴组织,切除近端尿道0.8~1.2cm。应用末端回肠30cm制作新膀胱。原位尿道吻合。结果19例手术及术后恢复顺利。术后失访3例。16例随访6~102个月,平均71个月。无瘤存活15例,术后17个月死于心肌梗死1例。术后9个月昼、夜控尿率分别为100%(16/16)和93%(14/15)。术后9个月,15例行尿动力学测定,新膀胱容量(519.0±53.0)ml,残余尿量(29.2±4.9)ml,最大尿流率(18.6±2.8)ml/s;平均充盈压力和排尿压力分别为(16.7±3.5)和(53.0±5.0)cmH2O(1cmH2O=0.098kPa)。术后9个月IVU检查单侧上尿路轻度积水1例,血BUN、Cr、电解质及二氧化碳结合力均正常。肿瘤无复发。结论女性可控性回肠膀胱术后控尿功能良好,新膀胱容量大、压力低、顺应性好,并发症少,是女性膀胱原位重建的良好术式。
Objective To evaluate the clinical application of female orthotopic ileal neobladder. Methods Modified radical cystectomy plus orthotopic ileal neobladder was performed on 19 female pa tients with bladd& cancer from June 1999 to January 2008. The mean age of the patients was 52(45--66) years, mean course of disease was 4.4 months (16 days 1.9 years). Of all the patients, there were 10 cases with grade 1, 7 cases with grade 2 and 2 cases grade 3. According to the UICC stage system, 5 patients were T1 stage, 12 T2 and 2 T3a. All the patients received modified radical cystecto my without resection of uterus and anterior vagina, meanwhile the nerves around urethra were protec ted. 0.8--1.2 cm proximal end of the urethra was excised and 30 cm distal ileum was used for the re- construction of the neobladder, Results Sixteen cases were followed up for 6 102 months, mean 71 months. Fifteen patients survived without disease recurrence, 1 patient died of myocardial infarc tion 17 months postoperation. The daytime and night continent rate was 100%, 93% at 9 months postoperative. The average voiding volume of the 15 patients was 519.0 ml. The average residual volume was 29.2 ml, and Qmax was 18.6 ml/s. The average filling and voiding pressure was 16. 7 cm H2O and 53.0 cm H2O. Intravenous urography showed slight hydronephrosis in 1 case. Conclusion Female orthotopic ileal neohladder could be a good choice because of the continence, fewer complications, lower pressure and enough bladder capacity.
Chinese Journal of Urology
Bladder neoplasms
Urinary diversion