
国际体系转型与当代美国对外战略——兼评《当代国际体系与大国战略关系》 被引量:2

Transformation of International System and US' Contemporary Foreign Strategy:a Review of Contemporary International System and Great Powers' Strategic Relationships
摘要 1648年"威斯特伐尼亚和约"的签订导致现代民族国家体系的出现。从此,建立在国家主权和不干涉原则基础上的欧洲国家体系逐渐演变成由独立国家构成的现代国际体系。第二次世界大战后形成的两极体系是不同政治制度、相互对立的意识形态以及美苏双方对当时国际环境错误判断的不可避免的结果。冷战结束后,随着国际政治和经济关系的紧密交融,政治问题经济化和经济问题政治化的现象普遍存在,以全球化、政治多元化为特征的世界多极化趋势正向纵深发展。新出的夏立平专著《当代国际体系与大国战略关系》(以下称《当代国际体系》),以新颖的视角论述当代国际体系转型的特征,诠释在当今国际体系环境下大国战略关系发展的内在逻辑和演变过程。 International system is the core concept in the study of international relationship.In 1648,'the Peace of Westphalia' was signed which established modern national system.Then European nation system which was based on two principles of national sovereignty and non-intervention gradually evolved the modern international system constituted by independent nations.The bi-polar system after the World War Ⅱ was the inevitable result of two different polities,two opposite ideologies and misunderstanding of international situation by the US and USSA.After the Cold War,with close relation between international politics and economy,politics is economizing and economy is also politicizing.The multi-polarization with characteristics of globalization and political pluralism develops greatly.The paper makes a review of Contemporary International System and Great Powers' Strategic Relationships by Xia Liping.It argues that the book makes a discussion on new characteristics of transformation of contemporary international system and also analyzes the inner logic and evolution of great powers' strategies.
作者 仇华飞
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第12期23-29,共7页 Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 国际体系 美国 大国战略 International system the US Great powers' strategies
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  • 6Kenneth Waltz, The Man, The State and War, Columbia University Press, 1959, see also Phil Williams, etc, Classic Readings and Contemporary Debates International Relations, p. 94.
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  • 8Morton Kaplan, System and Process of International Politics, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Publisher, 1957.
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