

Novel aspect-oriented conceptual model for architectural description
摘要 软件架构的描述和设计决定了软件的质量和生命。作为方面的横切关注点横跨在多个架构组件中,影响了模块间的内聚性和耦合度,从而降低了软件的可重用性,增加了维护的难度。目前提出的许多架构描述方法均未能对存在的横切关注点进行恰当的描述和定位,所以在软件的架构描述方法中引入了方面的概念机制来解决这些问题。基于IEEE 1471-2000中提出的架构描述概念模型,引入用例视图提出了一种新的面向方面的架构描述概念模型。该模型能够在架构描述中精确地描述和处理横切关注点即增加方面这一抽象层,从而提高软件系统的维护性、重用性和扩展性。 The architectural description and design decide the quality and life of the software. Cross-cutting concerns as aspects crosscut muhiple architectural components, which affected cohesion and coupling of components. It results in lower values for modifiability and reuses quality attributes. But now a lot of methods about architectural description fail to accommodate the description for cross-cutting concerns. Accordingly, the concept of aspect-orientation is required to be addressed in architecture description. This paper, on the based of conceptual model for architectural description in IEEE 1471-2000, based on use-case and proposed a novel aspect-oriented conceptual model to explicitly address aspects in architectural description. It is more favorable to maintain, reuse and evolve software system.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期3636-3638,3641,共4页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家"863"计划资助项目(2007AA12Z238) 重庆教育委员会科技资助项目(KJ040511 J2006-16)
关键词 面向方面 架构描述 用例 面向方面的软件开发 aspect-oriented architectural description use case AOSD
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