
一种新型磷光铜(I)配合物及其高效绿光有机电致发光器件 被引量:1

A new phosphorescent copper(Ⅰ) complex and its efficient green OLED
摘要 研制出了一种新型的Cu(Ⅰ)配合物[Cu(DPEphos)(PyPPN)]BF4(CuL1L2),其中二DPEp-hos和PyPPN分别表示(2-二苯基膦基)苯基醚和吡啶并[1′,2′∶2,3]吡嗪[5,6-f]1,10-菲罗啉,并制备了结构为ITO(20Ω)/2-TNATA(20nm)/NPB(40nm)/CBP∶8%CuL1L2(30nm)/BCP(20nm)/Alq3(20nm)/LiF(1nm)/Al(100nm)的掺杂式有机发光二极管(OLED)。掺杂式器件在530nm处有较强的金属配合物三重态的绿光电致磷光(ELECTROPHOS-PHORESCENCE,EPL)发射,最大亮度为2388cd/m2,在电流为0.1mA时,器件的最大电流效率达到11.4cd/A,据我们所知,该OLED器件的EL性能是目前报道Cu(Ⅰ)磷光配合物的EPL器件中最高的。 We studied a new copper( Ⅰ ) complex, [Cu(DPEphos)(DPPZ)]BF4 (CuL1L2),which was synthesized by reacting copper ( Ⅰ) tetraacetonitrile tetrafluroborate, bis-[ 2- (diphenylphosphino) phenyl] ether (DPEphos) with pyrido[1',2'' 2,3]pyrazino[5,6-f] 1,10-phenanthroline (PyPPN). CuL1L2 doped multiplayer OLED device was fabricated, it has the structure of ITO (20Ω)/2-TNATA (20nm)/NPB (40nm)/CBP : 80/oo CuL1L2 (30nm)/BCP(20nm)/Alq3 (20nm)/LiF(lnm)/Al(100nm). The device shows strong 3MLCT green electrophosphorescent emission, the emission peak wavelength, luminance and current efficiency were 530nm, 2388cd/m^2 and 11.4cd/A at 0. 1mA were achieved, respectively; and the device performance is highest among the electrophosphorescence devices based on Cu ( Ⅰ) complex that have been reported .
出处 《功能材料》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期1959-1960,1964,共3页 Journal of Functional Materials
关键词 铜(Ⅰ)配合物 有机电致发光器件 绿色有机电致磷光材料 copper( Ⅰ ) complex green organic electrophosphorescent material organic light-emitting diodes
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