
乳腺浸润性导管癌的钼靶X线征象与病理对照分析 被引量:3

An Analysis of Mammo-invasive Ductal Carcinoma Comparing Mammo-X-ray Features with Pathological Changes
摘要 目的通过对乳腺浸润性导管癌的钼靶X线征象与病理进行对照分析,从而提高X线诊断水平。方法选取我院2004~2008年,经钼靶X线检查并通过病理结果证实的95例浸润性导管癌作为研究对象,综合分析X线征象,并与病理表现做对照,从而探讨其内在联系。结果本组95例中,包含直接征象—结节和肿块的有69例。其中,肿块合并钙化的有37例;单纯恶性钙化的18例中,浸润性导管癌合并浸润性小叶癌的有6例,局限性非对称性致密的有4例,结构紊乱的有4例,这些病例中某些还伴有其它间接征象,如:毛刺征、厚皮征、乳头凹陷、血管异常、大导管相、漏斗征、牛角征、塔尖征及腋窝淋巴结肿大等。结论乳腺浸润性导管癌主要以毛刺样肿块及肿块伴钙化多见,分析其直接征象和间接征象的特点,可以提高该病的X线诊断率。 Objective To raise X - ray diagnostic level of mammo - invasive ductal carcinoma comparing mammo - X - ray features with pathological changes. Methods To take 95 cases of mammo - invasive ductal carcinoma confirmed by pathological examination, which were examined by mammo - X - ray before operation through 2004 to 2008, we analyze their X - ray findings and compare them with pathological results in order to explore the internal relations. Results 95 cases with direct signs - nodulars or masses, in which 69 cases include simple nodulars or masses, 37 cases with masses or nodulars combining with calcification; 18 cases with simple malignant calcification; 6 cases comboning invasive ductal carcinoma with invasive lobular carcinoma; 4 cases with local dissymmetrical infiltration; 4 cases with abnormal structures, some of these cases were followed by other indirect signs, for example: comedo appearance, thick skin, nipple retraction, abnormal blood vessel, positive duct sign, hypertrophy ect. Conclusion Mass with comedo funnel sign, ox horn sign, tip of tower and axillary lymphadeno appearance and mass with calcification were often found in mammo - invasive ductal carcinoma, analyzing the features direct and indirect signs may raise the X - ray diagnostic rate of mammo - invasive ductal carcinoma.
出处 《黑龙江医学》 2008年第12期893-895,共3页 Heilongjiang Medical Journal
关键词 乳腺 浸润性导管癌 钼靶X线 病理 Breast Invasive ductal carcinoma Mammo - X - ray Pathology
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