
以改革创新精神推动普通高校成教学生党建工作 被引量:2

Promoting the Students’ Work of Party Building by the Spirit of Reformation and Innovation in Universities
摘要 成人教育培养的学生是基层一线工作的中坚力量,加强成教学生党的建设工作,在提高劳动者专业知识和岗位技能的同时,充实党员队伍,对于充实我党经济建设第一线党员数量,扩大组织覆盖,改善党员队伍结构,巩固我们党的执政基础有着十分重要的现实意义。但是,长期以来成教学生的入党的追求不能得到应有的重视,导致了成教学生党建工作相对薄弱。进一步加强和改进成人高校学生党建工作,针对不同的学生类别,进行适当有效的思想教育并正确地引导它们的思想发展方向和发展趋势,统一思想,树立科学的人生观和世界观,培养大学生政治思想上的先进性,提高思想觉悟和辨别是非的能力,为国家和社会多作贡献,是每一个成人教育工作者必须思考并付诸实践的重大课题。 The adults students trained by further education are the nucleus force in the first-line wok. So it is very significant for our party to promote the students' work of party building, improve their professional knowledge and skills and enrich the number of party members to consolidate party's ruling basis. However, the work of party building for adults students is paid less attention for a long time. So it is a practical subject for every adults educators to further improve the party building work in universities, educate them properly and guide them effectively to a correct direction and development tendency, help the adults students establish scientific outlook of their life value and world value, improve their ability of judgment and make them contribute to our society more.
作者 胡显芝
出处 《重庆职业技术学院学报》 2008年第6期125-127,共3页 Journal of Chongqing Vocational& Technical Institute
关键词 成教学生 党建 创新 adults students party building innovation
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