

Research of the polymorphisms of angiotensin-converting enzyme gene in bipolar disorder patients
摘要 目的:探讨双相障碍与血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)基因插入/缺失(I/D)多态性之间的相关性。方法:按照《中国精神障碍分类和诊断标准》(CCMD-3)的双相障碍的诊断标准选择研究组64例、健康对照组100例;每例研究对象抽取静脉血提取DNA,应用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)及限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)技术检测ACE基因的I/D多态性,采用病例-对照的关联分析方法对基因型和等位基因频率进行分析。结果:研究组和对照组的ACE基因型符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡法则;两组间ACE基因型和等位基因频率分布均无显著性差异。结论:TPH基因型和等位基因频率分布与双相障碍无关联性。 Objective: To explore the association between I/D polymorphisms of the angiotensin - converting enzyme gene and bipolar disorder.Methods:64 patients were recruited according to the diagnosis criteria of bipolar disorder in CCMD- 3, and 100 healthy persons in the control group; Venous blood was taken from all individuals into the ACD - containing tube. After DNA isolation, the ACE gene were determined by the polymerase chain reaction - restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR - RFLP) technique. The ease - control association analysis was adopted to analyze the frequencies of genotype and alleles between the patients and the healthy persons. Results: The values of the genotypes of the both groups consistent with the Hardy - Weinberg equilibrium; The distribution of genotypes or alleles of ACE genes had no significant difference between the two groups ( P 〉 0.05). Conclusion: No association between the polymorpliisms of ACE gene and the bipolar disorder.
出处 《中国民康医学》 2008年第24期2883-2884,2889,共3页 Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health
关键词 双相障碍 ACE基因 基因多态性 Bipolar disorder ACE gene Polymorphism
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