Objective To explore Clinical, electromyogram and pathological characteristics of two types of muscular dystrophy caused by the deficiency of dystrophin. Methods Twentyfive children with muscular dystrophy were classified into Duchenne type (n = 11) and Becker type (n = 14) by dystrophin immunohistochemical stain. Clinical, electromyogram and pathological characteristics were analyzed and compared between DMD and BMD. Results The mean onset age of DMD was 3.9 i 1.15 years, level of creatine phosPhokinas was 30--126 times higher than that of normal, and dystrophin was ab- sent completely. BMD was 7.2 -+ 3.38 years and 2-- 35 times, dystrophin was absent partly. Electromyogram showed muscle damage in all. All muscular biopsy showed muscular degeneration, necrosis, opacqe fiber, connective tissue hyperplasia, phagolysis and regeneration. Observing by transmission electronmicroscope, myofilament arranged disorderly, the duct of sarcoplasmic reticulum dilated, mitochondria swollen, sarcolemma broken, myofibrils were lysis and necrosis, Z - lines ar- ranged disorderly, and so on. The pathological changes in DMD were severer than those in BMD. Conclusions Both DMD and BMD are caused by dystrophin deficiency, but the clinical symptoms and damages in pathology are different. DMD is severer than BMD.
Practical Preventive Medicine