
无线局域网分布式安全检测系统的研究 被引量:1

Research of the Distributed Security Detection System in WLAN
摘要 目前已有一些全球化的网络安全检测系统,但是这些系统并不能很好的适用于无线局域网.设计实现了一个无线局域网安全检测系统,该系统采用分布式结构,具有自动发现网络设备、监视网络性能、安全检测等功能.本文根据无线网络的特点设计了系统的体系结构,并对其各部分的功能进行了阐述;根据系统需求,通过剖析和改进开源Snort-Wireless实现了一个无线局域网分布式安全检测系统;通过实验表明该系统的正确性和有效性. There are some global network security detection systems at present,but these systems can not be applied to WLAN very well. Therefore, a WLAN security detection system is designed and realized, which adopts distributed structure,has the function of network device discovery, network performance monitor and security holes detection etc. Firstly, this paper designs the system architecture,and introduces the function of some modules; secondly, the system is realized through the analysis and improvement of the Snort-Wireless. Lastly, the correctness and validity of the system is shown by the experiment results.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期2194-2198,共5页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60373063 90612003)资助
关键词 无线网络 网络安全 分布式 snort-wireless wireless networks network security distributed snort-wireless
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