
中国地衣新记录属——包被鳞核衣属(英文) 被引量:1

Involucropyrenium(Verrucariaceae),a Lichen Genus New to China
摘要 报道中国地衣-新记录属——包被鳞核衣属。该属主要特征:地衣体小鳞片状,子囊器为子囊壳,着生于地衣体小鳞片之间,由一特化的外壁所包裹,子囊孢子较大。 The genus Involucropyreniwn is reported from China for the first time. It is characterized by a minutely squamulose thallus, perithecia situated between the squamules, an involuerellum enveloping the whole ascomata, and comparatively large ascospores.
出处 《云南植物研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期655-656,共2页 Acta Botanica Yunnanica
基金 The National Natural Science Fundation of China (39899400) Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation (Y2007D21)
关键词 地衣 新记录属 瓶口衣目 Lichen New record Verrucariales
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