

Discussion on Training Creative and Individualized Men of University Sports Profession
摘要 通过文献资料法、理论分析法、逻辑推理法,提出了高等体育专业创新型和个性化人才培养的原则,为深化高等体育专业教育改革提供了理论和实践的参考依据。 Through using the method of literature ,theory analysis and logical inference ,this paper puts forward to how to train creative and individualized men of university sports profession. Students are the centre of learning, teachers must pay more attention to their abilities. Specialized courses and management must go forward with times. These principles provide theory and pratical basis for education reform .
作者 蓝国彬
机构地区 惠州学院体育系
出处 《惠州学院学报》 2008年第6期105-109,共5页 Journal of Huizhou University
关键词 本育专业 创新型 个性化 培养 原则 sports profession ereative individualized train principle
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