
安徽中部地区食用含三聚氰胺超标奶粉婴幼儿泌尿系统结石发病情况调查 被引量:9

Investigation on the Incidence of Urolithiasis in Infants Fed by Milk Powder Tainted with Melamine in the Middle Area of Anhui Province
摘要 目的调查安徽省中部地区0~3岁1079例食用含三聚氰胺超标奶粉婴幼儿泌尿系统结石的发病情况及其与性别、年龄、食用奶粉、水源等的关系。方法对2008年9月25日至2008年10月17日前来安徽省立医院门诊部进行"问题奶粉"筛查的0~3岁的1079例婴幼儿进行问卷调查和泌尿系统B超检查,采用Epidata录入资料,用SPSS13.0软件包对数据进行卡方检验及多因素Logistic回归分析。结果调查期间筛查的婴幼儿中男性646例(59.87%)、女性433例(40.13%),其中有86例婴幼儿患有泌尿系统结石,发病率为7.97%,男性62例(72.09%)、女性24例(27.91%);平均发病年龄1.85±0.77岁,累及部位均在肾脏。结果显示,不同性别及饮用不同水源的婴幼儿其泌尿系统结石发病率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。本地区婴幼儿泌尿系统结石的发病与其性别相关(P<0.05),其中女婴泌尿系统结石发病率仅为男婴的58.7%[OR=0.587,95%CI(0.359,0.959)]。结论安徽中部地区筛查的0~3岁婴幼儿泌尿系统结石发病率较高,存在解剖部位特异性,深入分析出需进一步长期随访。 Objective To investigate the incidence of urolithiasis in infants aged 0-3 years old fed by milk powder tainted with melamine in the middle area of the Anhui province, as well as its relationship to gender, age, milk powder consumption and drinking water. Methods Questionnaires were distributed to 1079 infants who were screened for urolithiasis by ultrasound examination from September 25, 2008 to October 17, 2008. Data was collected by Epidata and analyzed by SPSS 13.0 software. Results A total of 646 (59.87%) male infants and 433 (40.13%) female infants underwent ultrasound examination in Anhui Provincial Hospital. Of these, 86 infants were diagnosed with urolithiasis with an incidence of 7.97%, including 62 males (72.09%) and 24 females (27.91%). The mean age of those infants with urolithiasis was 1.85±0.77, and all of calculus was located in kidney. The relationship between the incidence of urolithiasis and gender, age, drinking water, feeding bottle sanitation, birth status, as well as the amount of milk powder intake was assessed by using the Pearson Chi-square test. Results showed that significant differences were noted in the incidence of urolithiasis among infants of different genders or with different drinking water sources (P〈0.05). The result of multiple logistic regression analyses indicated that gender was related to the incidence of urolithiasis (P〈0.05). The incidence of urolithiasis in female infants was only 58.7% of that in male infants (OR 0.587, 95%CI 0.359 to 0.959). Conclusion The incidence of urolithiasis in infants aged 0-3 years of old in the middle area of Anhui province is relatively high and has anatomical specificity. Further data during the foUow-up of these cases should be collected.
出处 《中国循证医学杂志》 CSCD 2008年第12期1039-1042,共4页 Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine
关键词 三聚氰胺 奶粉 婴幼儿 泌尿系统结石 安徽省 发病率 调查 Melamine Milk powder Infants Urolithiasis Anhui province Incidence Investigation
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