
硫酸镁治疗重度哮喘的临床证据(附报告一例) 被引量:15

Clinical Evidence for Magnesium Sulfate Treatment of Severe Asthma
摘要 目的对硫酸镁治疗重度哮喘的系统评价进行再评价。方法计算机检索Cochrane图书馆(2008年第2期)、ACP Journal Club(1991~2008.6)、MEDLINE(1990~2008.6)、中国期刊全文数据库(1979~2008.6)、中文科技期刊全文数据库(VIP)(1980~2008.6)和中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)(1980~2008.6),查找有关硫酸镁治疗哮喘的系统评价,并进行再评价,将证据应用于临床实践。结果共纳入9篇系统评价,平均包含了QUOROM(the quality of reporting of Meta-analyses)标准条目中的14.1±2.9项,质量较高。现有证据表明静脉滴注使用硫酸镁可改善重度哮喘急性发作患者的肺功能,减少入院率,且无严重不良反应;但无足够证据证明吸入和口服硫酸镁对哮喘的治疗作用。我们将上述证据应用于临床,对1例重度哮喘患者行静脉滴注硫酸镁治疗,该患者哮喘症状控制良好,未发生不良反应。结论静脉使用硫酸镁可改善重度哮喘患者的肺功能、降低入院率,安全、有效,应更多地应用于重度哮喘患者的临床治疗。 Objective To assess the systematic reviews of magnesium sulfate used to treat severe asthma. Methods An electronic search was performed in The Cochrane Library (Issue 2, 2008), ACP Journal Club (1991 to June 2008), MEDLINE (1990 to June 2008), Chinese Journal Full-text Database (1979 to June 2008), Chinese Scientific and Technological Periodical Databases (VIP) (1980 to June 2008), and Chinese Bio-medicine Database (CBM) (1980 to June 2008) to collect systematic reviews of magnesium sulfate treatment for severe asthma. The retrieved systematic reviews were reassessed, and then we adopted the evidence for clinical practice. Results Nine systematic reviews were included, and all of them included 14.1±2.9 items of QUOROM (the quality of reporting of Meta-analyses) on average. In general, the included systematic reviews had comparatively high quality. Evidence illustrated that intravenous infusion of magnesium sulfate could improve pulmonary function and reduce hospital admission without any serious side effects. However, no evidence could verify that patients with asthma can benefit from aerosolized and oral magnesium sulfate. In a specific case with severe asthma, we used magnesium sulfate via intravenous infusion which helped the control of symptoms with no adverse reactions. Conclusion Magnesium sulfate via intravenous infusion can improve pulmonary function and reduce hospital admission rates. Due to its effectiveness, safety, and low cost, it deserves widespread application in patients with severe asthma.
作者 付娟娟 毛兵
出处 《中国循证医学杂志》 CSCD 2008年第12期1126-1129,共4页 Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine
关键词 硫酸镁 哮喘 循证治疗 系统评价 Magnesium sulfate Asthma Evidence-based treatment
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