

Study on the Ecological Water Requirement and Analysis on Water Safety in the Hutuohe River Wetland
摘要 通过数学模型确定了滹沱河岗黄段湿地的生态需水量及缺水量,其最小生态需水量及缺水量分别为4.93亿m^3,2.20亿m^3,适宜生态需水量及缺水量分别为8.87~16.04亿m^3,6.14~13.31亿m^3,最大生态需水量及缺水量分别为38.96亿m^3,36.23亿m^3。同时分析了研究区水资源安全问题,滹沱河湿地存在着水资源供需矛盾突出、水土流失与生态退化、水资源紧张与水污染、水资源利用率低与用水浪费和农村饮水安全等问题,针对这些问题提出了相应的对策。 According to the mathematical model,ecological water requirement and water deficit of wetland in the Hutuohe River Wetland were computed. The results show that the least ecological water requirement and water deficit are 4.93 × 10^8 m^3 ,2.20 × 10^8 m^3 respectively,the proper ecological water requirement and water deficit are 8.87 × 10^8 -16.04× 10^8 m^3 ,6.14× 10^8 m^3 -13. 31 × 10^8 m^3 respectively,and the most ecological water requirement and water deficit are 38.96 × 10^8 m^3 ,36.23 × 10^8 m^3 respectively. This paper also analyzed the issues on water safety in the study area. In the Hutuohe River Wetland there are some problems: obvious contradiction between the supply and demand of water resources, soil erosion and ecological degradation, shortage of water resources and water pollution, the low utilization rate of water resources with the waste of water and rural drinking water safety, the corresponding countermeasures are raised according to these issues.
出处 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期133-135,共3页 Research of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 河北省自然科学基金重点项目(D2005000537)
关键词 滹沱河 湿地 生态需水量 水资源安全 Hutuo rivel wetlands ecological water requirements water safety
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