
多域分层系统中基于DRT的访问控制模型 被引量:1

Access Control Model Based on DRT in Layered Multi-domain System
摘要 为了满足多域系统的访问控制需求,提出RBAC的扩展模型——DRTBAC模型。模型中引入域、型、角色关联等概念,增加了权限的灵活设置机制,并将基本安全原则融入到模型的角色划分、指派与关联中。解决RBAC对多域系统的支持问题,方便权限的管理,实现遵循安全原则的访问控制。 To satisfy the demand of access control in multi-domain systems, a developed RBAC model Domain Role and Type-Based Access ControlfDRTBAC) model is proposed. Concepts of domain, type, role association, etc. are introduced, mechanism of setting permissions flexibly is appended, and essential security principles penetrate roles partition, assignment and association. The problem that access control supports multi-domain systems is resolved, permission management is simplified, and access controls complying security principles are realized.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第24期71-73,76,共4页 Computer Engineering
基金 国家"863"计划基金资助项目(2005AA147050)
关键词 RBAC模型 DRTBAC模型 角色关联 RBAC model domain type Domain Role and Type-Based Access Control(DRTBAC) model role association
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